By Bill Waters
When we talk about track and field we think about blazing 100 meter dash times and electrifying 4X100 relay teams. We think about record breaking long jumpers and other events that would be considered popular amongst the track community.
There is one event that is constantly overlooked even though it is an Olympic event. The Race Walk has been around for many years. Although people may think of it as an easy event there are very few people that can compete at a high level. This event takes skills that many don’t understand. When you watch the Race competitors appear to be walking strange and some people like to joke about the way they look.
One young athlete has made a point to change the way that spectators view the Race Walk. 3rd grade Cynthia Ann Parker Elementary Student Madison Morgan wants to show the world that the Race Walk event should be respected as a true track event. Morgan is a resident of Houston Texas and she has become a popular Race Walk competitor in her community. She is a 3 time USATF Race Walk Champion and she is currently one of the top 3 1500 meter Walkers in her division.
When asked about why she was so passionate about the Race Walk Morgan Stated, “People think that it is and easy event.” “So many kids get made fun of and they quit.” I would like to bring more exposure to the sport so that people will stop making fun of us.”
Morgan plans on continuing competing in the Race Walk event and her ultimate goal is to walk a blazing 7:30 in the 1500 which will break the USATF record. This record has not been broken in 20 years and it would be a huge accomplishment for such a talented athlete. Courtesy of 4.0 Sports.org